Chemokine Induced Tolerance in Mouse Islet Allografts

s / Can J Diabetes 36 (2012) S24eS76 S76 injection into the pancreatic duct of C57Bl/6 mice, resulting in beta beta cell specific expression throughout the pancreas. When XIAPexpressing mouse islets were isolated from C57 Bl/6 donors and transplanted into streptozotocin-diabetic, MHC-mismatched (Balb/ c) mice, all recipients were protected from allograft rejection and return of hyperglycemia for more than 125 days. Histological analysis of the islet graft confirmed numerous insulin-positive cells within XIAP-expressing islets and a progressive lost of immune infiltration cells. Diminished alloantibodies and non-proliferation of splenocytes after exposure to alloantigens suggested that tolerance was induced in the recipients. These findings indicate that dsAAV8-mediated expression of XIAP in islets may induce tolerance to islet allograft recipients, thereby preventing recurrence of diabetes. Manipulation of islets for long-term expression of XIAP may be a novel therapeutic strategy for diabetes.
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