Engineering high quality and conformal ultrathin SiNx films by PEALD for downscaled and advanced CMOS nodes

In this study, we explored the key properties and functionalities of plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition (PEALD) SiNx films, synthesized using different deposition temperatures (500–550 °C) and plasma conditions (lower and higher), both on 300 mm blanket Si and on several integrated 3D topology substrates, at the thicknesses relevant for diverse nanoscale applications. Our study shows that with an increase of temperature (500–550 °C), a small reduction in HF wet etch rate (1.1–0.69 nm/min), and H content (9.6% vs 7.4%) was observed. When using higher plasmas, significant improvements in blanket properties were observed. The films were denser (2.95 g/cm3), exhibited lower H content (2.4%), showed better etch rates (0.39 and 0.44 nm/s for HF and CF4 based), and SiNx grew without any nucleation delay on alternative Si1−xGex channel surfaces. The vertical and lateral conformality was found to be similar and appears not to be impacted with the plasma conditions. Extensive steam oxidation barrier studies performed at the sidewalls of different aspect ratio lines showed the PEALD SiNx liner scaling potentiality down to 1 nm when deposited using higher plasma. In addition, the outer gate and inner spacer properties were found to be superior (with lower loses) for higher plasma films when subjected to several dry etch, strips, and H3PO4 chemistries. The outstanding conformality (90%–95% on aspect ratios ≤10:1) combined with excellent high end material properties in the ultrathin regimes (1–10 nm) corroborate the virtue of PEALD SiNx toward integration in scaled down and advanced nanoelectronics device manufacturing.
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