Conference on 'Translating nutrition: integrating research, practice and policy' Symposium 1: Innovation in diet and lifestyle assessment Innovations in national nutrition surveys

The aim of this paper is to describe innovations taking place in national nutrition surveys in theUK and the challenges of undertaking innovations in such settings. National nutrition surveysmust be representative of the overall population in characteristics such as socio-economiccircumstances, age, sex and region. High response rates are critical. Dietary assessment inno-vations must therefore be suitable for all types of individuals, from the very young to the veryold, for variable literacy and/or technical skills, different ethnic backgrounds and life circum-stances, such as multiple carers and frequent travel. At the same time, national surveys needdetails on foods consumed. Current advances in dietary assessment use either technologicalinnovations or simplified methods; neither lend themselves to national surveys. The NationalDiet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) rolling programme, and the Diet and Nutrition Survey ofInfants and Young Children (DNSIYC), currently use the 4-d estimated diary, a compromisefor detail and respondent burden. Collection of food packaging enables identification of specificproducts. Providing space for location of eating, others eating, the television being on andeating at a table, adds to eating context information. Disaggregation of mixed dishes enablesdetermination of true intakes of meat and fruit and vegetables. Measurement of nutritionalstatus requires blood sampling and processing in DNSIYC clinics throughout the country andmobile units were used to optimise response. Hence, innovations in national surveys can andare being made but must take into account the paramount concerns of detail and response rate.Dietary assessment: National survey: Innovation: Response rate: Population
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