Функциональная схема многоканального гидролого-оптико-химического измерительного комплекса и новые измерительные каналы гидрофизических параметров

The results of the analysis of design and development of data measuring systems of oceanographic parameters in the 60-70s and 80-90s are presented in the paper. Data measuring systems based on the CAMAC standard (created under the leadership of academician Nesterikhin Y.E.) had a great influence on the design of instrumentation. However, their direct use in oceanographic measurements proved impossible. It so happened because of the need for in situ measurement of parameters at a considerable distance from the control devices. A basic structural arangement of a measurement system was developed by the end of the 80s and oceanographic sounding towed autonomous measuring systems were created, certified and put into practice. They were used for experimental studies in the ocean in the range from seconds to tens of days in time and from centimeters to hundreds or thousands of kilometers in distance. Measuring channels are being developed on the basis of  high-speed data receivers (television cameras, acoustic devices). A structural arrangement of a multi-channel hydrological- optical-  and chemical measuring complex that makes it possible to assimilate in its composition measuring channels of oceanographic parameters at different information rates has been developed. A process platform for the development, testing and certification of new measurement channels for the parameters of the marine environment has been designed and built on the basis of this scheme. The results of full-scale tests of the process platform carried out on the Black Sea near Gelendzhik are presented.
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