Computer Automated Measurement and Control

Computer-Aided Measurement And Control (CAMAC) is a standard bus and modular-crate electronics standard for data acquisition and control used in particle detectors for nuclear and particle physics and in industry. The bus allows data exchange between plug-in modules (up to 24 in a single crate) and a crate controller, which then interfaces to a PC or to a VME-CAMAC interface. Computer-Aided Measurement And Control (CAMAC) is a standard bus and modular-crate electronics standard for data acquisition and control used in particle detectors for nuclear and particle physics and in industry. The bus allows data exchange between plug-in modules (up to 24 in a single crate) and a crate controller, which then interfaces to a PC or to a VME-CAMAC interface. The standard was originally defined by the ESONE Committee as standard EUR 4100 in 1972, and covers the mechanical, electrical, and logical elements of a parallel bus (dataway) for the plug-in modules. Several standards have been defined for multiple crate systems, including the Parallel Branch Highway definition and Serial Highway definition. Vendor-specific Host/Crate interfaces have also been built.

[ "Control system", "Data acquisition" ]
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