Fast Ecotoxicity Detection Using Biosensors

The article provides information about a new device, AlgaTox developed in the R&D project sponsored by the Technology Agency (n.TA02030179) and patented in Czech Republic (CZ 305687). Its functionality is based on the use of biosensor, and its main advantage is fast response rate. The toxicity detection is achieved through precise measurement of green algae oxygen production dynamics after their exposure to light of wavelength of 680 nm. Clark sensor with a resolution of 0.05% of the equilibrium oxygen concentrations and stability at a constant pressure and temperature of 0.1% of the equilibrium oxygen concentration at the 24-h measurement is used for the oxygen detection. Laboratory testing of the device has been made using silver nitrate, substance with known inhibitory effect on algae. Real samples of aqueous soil extracts and waste sample from old dried-up industrial tailing pond enriched with insecticide have been also tested. The values of oxygen production inhibition or stimulation determined with the new device in the evaluation of real samples were up to six times higher in comparison with the corresponding values of inhibition (stimulation) of growth rates determined by standard procedure.
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