Relato de experiência de extensão com idosos no enfrentamento da COVID-19: percurso metodológico e competências adquiridas por monitores-estudantes de uma universidade pública na Bahia

The monitoring of extension provided to students of health courses at UNEB during the period of social distance imposed by the pandemic of COVID-19 enabled the participation of students in the process of producing methodologies, resources and tools for the operationalization of the extension project with non-classroom activities, via online. The AMAR project, carried out with an elderly population, was part of the extension activities of the State University of Bahia - UNEB, in the fight against COVID-19. The objective of this report is to present the methodological path of the AMAR extension project, carried out with elderly people from the Open University of the Third Age (UATI), from UNEB, and point out the skills acquired by the participating monitors. The methodological path of the AMAR project is presented, listing the activities carried out by each working group, followed by the record of the technical and human skills acquired by the monitors, in addition to the possible benefits for the elderly participants. The difficulties encountered were also mentioned. As results, the experience of collective and participative construction in the AMAR project brought great contribution to the strengthening of autonomy, creative capacity and the improvement of students' socio-emotional skills and competences. In addition, it enabled the learning of qualified listening and welcoming at a distance, the expansion of group discussions and the development of technical-scientific and socio-educational materials using new technological tools, benefiting the entire team involved in the construction and operation of the project. The project had a positive impact on various spheres of life of each participant, providing learning in teamwork, dedication and attention to each task developed, a sense of responsibility and, as a consequence, the development of human skills and improvements in mental and emotional health in the face of pandemic scenario in which the project developed. Finally, the relevance of university projects of an extension nature is emphasized, for full personal and professional training.
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