New Possibilities for the Prediction of Geological Section Using Seismic Data

Prediction of geological section in the interwell space by seismic data is to determine the geological section types. To predict the types of geological and reservoir section properties the authors apply the Technology of Spectral-Velocity Prediction (SVP-technology). SVP-technology has tested in various seismic and geological conditions of carbonate and clastic section on the fields Timan-Pechora, Western Siberia, north-east of the Siberian platform, the North Caucasus and the Black Sea oil and gas basins. At present, the authors used the SVP-technology for typification of the geological section and prediction of oil and gas potential using regional seismic profiles. The information obtained has allowed to build a new geological model to identify new promising objects. SVP- technology can be successfully applied at the regional stage of exploration works to refine the geological structure and to select new oil and gas promising facilities.
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