Researches concerning the influence of the time periods between venom harvestings on quantitative and qualitative venom production in Vipera berus berus species.

Researches made on Vipera berus berus species show that it is obtained a lower qualitati ve and qualitative venom production from the animals at wh ich the venom-harvesting period is at two weeks. At the lots, which the venom-harvesting period is at three and four weeks, the qualitative and quantitative v enom production is significantly increased, this fact su ggesting that the quantitative venom production is restored in this time interval. The qualitative production evol ution shows that the dry substance from venom undergoes a gradual concentration process, which is easy contin ued after this period. The infection frequency of t he bucal cavity and venom glands increases in the same time with the number of the venom harvestings, the lower rate of the infections are recorded at the lot which the ve nom harvesting period is at one month. In the framework of the adder rearing and exploitat ion, an extremely important point is the venom harvesting technique. The venom quality like ware, but especially the animal's state of health is directly depending by the accura cy of this technique. The practical activity shows the frequent appearance of the open lesions ( bleedings) at the bucal cavity level, consequently to the venom harvesting process. Often , these lesions get infected, affecting both the venom quality and the functional integrity of the venomous system. Even in the case of a highly accuracy in the venom harvesting techni que, may frequently appear microlesions of the bucal cavity which can be infected. Because the adders are a poikiloterme species, their lesions are hardly healable. In this context, the e stablishing of the optimum venom harvesting perion is highly important for both obtaining an in creased quality of the venom ware and the health state of the animals. MATERIAL AND METHODS The experiences have followed to establish the infl uence of the time periods between the venom harvestings on the quality and quantity o f the venom production and the influence on the health state of the adders. The following of these parameters was made during an active season (7 months), from spring until autumn, respectively the period between two hibernation time periods. The researches took place in the framework of the Zoology discipline biobase, Faculty of Animal Breeding and Biotechnology, USAMV Cluj-Napoca. It were used six lots of 10 adult individuals each, fr om Vipera berus berus species. Three lots were contained female adders and three lots were co ntained male adders . It was followed the obtaining of an increased lots homogenity regarding the age and weight of the each
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