The first x‐ray lithography beamline at Hefei National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory

An x‐ray lithography beamline, the first of six planned at Hefei National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (HESYRL), was completed and installed in the summer of 1989. A scanning mirror, the key optical component of the beamline, is used to cut off shorter wavelength light and to expand the vertical dimension of the exposure beam. It is oscillated by a stepping motor, while an in situ Moire fringe grating system measures the uniformity of the motor speed. Downstream after the front end section of the beamline, a Be window is used to block longer wavelength light. A laser alignment system is used to align the beamline with a He‐Ne laser. A special exposure shutter controlled by a second stepping motor can define the exposure time. An exposure chamber in which the vacuum can reach 5×10−7 Torr is located 7 m downstream from the synchrotron radiation source. Since the chamber does not include a vacuum window, a differential pumping system has been installed upstream from the exposure chamber. Test results of ...
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