Microstructural analysis of sausage quality

Organic sausage products are those made from poultry meat of farm animals that are grown without the use of food additives and growth hormones. In today's market, increasing the number of producers of meat products and the withdrawal of mandatory certification creates an important problem associated with the identification of a specific type and name of the product, as well as its compliance with the stated regulatory documentation. The article provides information on the application of the microstructural method for meat products quality control. The structural composition of sausage products was investigated: top-grade uncooked smoked sausage "Moskovska", DSTU 4427: 2005; Class 1 half-smoked sausage "Hutsulska" TU U 15.1-33480284-015: 2007; Class 1 half-smoked sausage "Salami with beef" TU U 15.1-32566564-002: 2007. It has been determined that the sausage products include meat raw materials, including after mechanical boning, as evidenced by the inclusion of cartilage and connective tissue. The inclusion of starch grains, soy protein, or concentrate, gel-forming agents has been detected. It has been proved that histological methods of research allow evaluating the structure of the product as a whole, to differentiate the features of different tissue elements and cellular structures, to identify the replacement of high-quality raw materials with low-value dietary supplements, vegetable proteins, etc. The urgent task is to develop modern science-based methodological guidelines for determining the most objective and reliable indicators for the identification of goods of homogeneous groups. Keywords: Histological examination; Sausage Products; Quality; Safety of meat products   References Abdolghafour, B., & Saghir, A. (2014). Development in sausage production and practices - A review. 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