Magyarország gravitációs lineamenstérképe = Gravity lineament map of Hungary
Az Eotvos Lorand Geofizikai Intezetben felepitett Orszagos Gravitacios Adatbazis, amely tobb mint 380000 meresi pontot tartalmaz, orszagos fedettseget biztosit. Első lepesben elkeszitettuk az 500000-es Bouguer-anomalia terkepet, amit kisebb modszertani ismertetővel publikaltunk a Geophysical Transactions (2006. Vol. 45, No. 2) szamaban. Ezutan a gravitacios anomaliak sűrűseg-, melyseg- es meret-fuggeset vizsgalatuk. Az eredmenyek azt mutattak, hogy a gravitacios anomaliater spektralis jellege fuggetlen a sűrűsegkontraszttol, a test meretetől es azt elsődlegesen a hatok melysege hatarozza meg. Szűresi es kepfeldolgozasi munkak eredmenyekent tobb transzformalt terkep is keszult, amelyek lineamens kijelolesre alkalmasak voltak. Az utolso fazisaban elvegzett feldolgozasaink soran a lineamenseket automatikus (horizontalis gradiens modszer, Euler 3D modszer) es a felautomatikus (automatikus + manualis) eljarasokkal jeloltuk ki. A feldolgozasok soran meghataroztuk a legfontosabb gravitacios lineamenseket es a lineamens rendszer bekerult az ELGI orszagos geofizikai alapterkepei koze. Az eredmenyeinket szamos előadason bemutattuk, a legerdekesebb lineamenseket a Magyar Geofizika (2006. 47. evfolyam, 2. szam) cikkeben publikaltuk. Meggyőződesunk, hogy az eredmenyeink szamos mas kutatasi temanak szolgaltatnak foldtanilag hasznos informaciot es az OTKA kereten belul vegzett modszertani kutatasaink ujabb kutatasi celokat generaltak. | The National Hungarian Gravity Database developed by Eotvos Lorand Geophysical Institute consists of more than 380000 measured data, which cover the whole country. In the first stage we have constructed the Bouguer anomaly map of Hungary (scale 1:500000) and later published it with a small methodological guide in Geophysical Transactions (2006. Vol. 45, No. 2). After that we have studied the dependence of the anomalies from density contrast, depth and the size of the causative bodies. The results showed that spectral behavior depends only on the depth of the causative body, and is independent of density contrast and size of the body. Using different filtering and image processing methods on gravity map, we have created a lot of different maps to detect the gravity lineaments. In the last stage of the work gravity lineaments were designed using automatic (horizontal gradient method, Euler 3D method) and semiautomatic (automatic + manual) methods of line detection. The main gravity lineaments were determined and the system of lineaments was archived and put into the country size geophysical base maps of ELGI. Our results were presented on many conferences and the most interesting line structures were published in Hungarian Geophysics (2006. Vol. 47, No.2.). We think that our results gave important geological information for many other research themes and showed a lot of new interesting scientific purposes.
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