Structure/function of C5 convertases of complement.

Abstract C5 convertases are serine proteases that cleave both C3 and C5. Alternative pathway C3/C5 convertases formed with monomeric C3b (C3b,Bb) because of their weak interaction with C5 primarily cleave C3 thereby opsonizing the cell surface with C3b. In contrast, C3/C5 convertases formed with a high density of C3b/cell exhibit higher affinities for C5 as indicated by K m values well below the physiological concentration of C5 in blood. These C3/C5 convertases bind C5 efficiently and cleave it at a velocity approaching V max thereby switching the enzyme from C3 cleavage to production of the cytolytic C5b-9 complex. Studies of the structure of C3/C5 convertases have postulated that C4b–C3b and C3b–C3b dimers form high affinity C5 binding sites while indel studies have shown two binding sites in C5 for the convertase in addition to the C5 cleavage site. Together, these studies indicate that with increasing deposition of C3b on the surface, C3b complexes are formed which through multivalent attachment bind the substrate C5 with higher affinities, thereby converting the low affinity C3/C5 convertases to high affinity C5 convertases. The process underlying the formation of high affinity C5 convertases during complement activation is discussed.
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