Fibrinogen distribution on surfaces and in organelles of ADP stimulated human blood platelets.

: The fibrinogen distribution in platelet organelles after ADP-stimulation was investigated with anti-human fibrinogen using protein A-gold applied to serial sections. Fibrinogen was detected in the so-called alpha-granules of platelets and also in granule protrusions which were observed after ADP-stimulation. The ends of these protrusions were formed as coated membranes and the tips were often in apposition to the surface connected membranes or the plasmalemma. At such places fusion events and hence signs of an exocytosis could be demonstrated by means of cryofixation and cryosubstitution. Examination of serial sections revealed fibrinogen on all these granule profiles. Surface connected membranes, free surfaces and the characteristic structure of the contact zones of aggregated platelets were also labelled by gold particles but less than anticipated. On the platelet surfaces and surface connected membranes fibrinogen was rarely demonstrable with ferritin-labelled anti-human fibrinogen on washed or thrombin-stimulated, almost fibrinogen free platelets. After addition of human fibrinogen to the thrombin stimulated and disaggregated platelets a part of the platelets aggregated spontaneously and formed characteristic contact zones. Anti-human fibrinogen was observed on the free surfaces, in filamentous bridges between the contact spaces and in a tubular surface connected membrane system with involvement of coated membranes at the central ends of these structures. The results indicate the following: all alpha-granules contain fibrinogen; after ADP-stimulation secretion takes place with involvement of coated membranes; during aggregation fibrinogen binds to platelet surfaces and forms contact spaces; fibrinogen is taken up by the surface connected system with involvement of coated membranes.
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