Implementasi Prinsip Good Governance Dalam Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa Pepe, Kecamatan Ngawen, Kabupaten Klaten

The purpose of this research is to describe the implementation of village financial management start from planning, budgeting, implementation, reporting, and accountability. In addition, this research also aims to know how the principle of implementation of Good Governance in the village financial management. The location of this research is in Pepe Village, Ngawen District, Klaten Regency. The sources of this research consists of the Headman, Secretary, and Treasurer in Pepe Village. This research uses qualitative method with ethnographic design. The data were collected by using in-depth interviews and documentation. The validity of data was tested by using triangulation, data analysis technique refers to the interactive analysis model developed by Miles and Huberman which consists of data reduction, display, and conclusion drawing / verification. The results of this research shows that there were five stages of village financial management, namely planning which is accordance with the medium-term work plan and work plan of the village government, budgeting which is the output was a village income and expenditure budget, implementation and administration, reporting submitted to the Regent in every semester, and good accountability to the publics and the regents at the end of each fiscal year. The other results show that the village government of Pepe has tried to apply the principles of good governance which is consists of participation, law enforcement, transparency, responsiveness, consensus, justice, effectiveness and efficiency, accountability, and the strategic of vision in village financial management although its implementation has not been maximized.
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