Developing an online steady-state visual evoked potential-based brain-computer interface system using EarEEG

The purpose of this study is to demonstrate an online steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP)-based BCI system using EarEEG. EarEEG is a novel recording concept where electrodes are embedded on the surface of earpieces customized to the individual anatomical shape of users' ear. It has been shown that the EarEEG can be used to record SSVEPs in previous studies. However, a long distance between the visual cortex and the ear makes the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of SSVEPs acquired by the EarEEG relatively low. Recently, filter bank- and training data-based canonical correlation analysis algorithms have shown significant performance improvement in terms of accuracy of target detection and information transfer rate (ITR). This study implemented an online four-class SSVEP-based BCI system using EarEEG. Four subjects participated in offline and online BCI experiments. For the offline classification, an average accuracy of 82.71±11.83 % was obtained using 4 sec-long SSVEPs acquired from earpieces. In the online experiment, all subjects successfully completed the tasks with an average accuracy of 87.92±12.10 %, leading to an average ITR of 16.60±6.55 bits/min. The results suggest that EarEEG can be used to perform practical BCI applications. The EarEEG has the potential to be used as a portable EEG recordings platform, that could enable real-world BCI applications.
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