Information Hiding in Text to Improve Performance for Word Document

In this paper, a novel method is proposed for information hiding in text to improve performance for word document providing copyright protection to preserve the integrity of hidden information. A sufficient literature having issues in existing schemes i.e. line shift, word shift, inter-word-spacing and inter-paragraph-spacing are by using software if spaces between words, lines and paragraphs are removed then hidden information destroyed. These deformations also affect the integrity of context which leads to trims down the imperceptibility and robustness. Also, issue with the feature coding is re-typing or ORC (Optical Character Recognition) program can devastate the hidden information. In our proposed method, secret information is being introduced into the context characteristics of word document, like, variable, bookmark and string. MS word contains lots of word objects and these objects are organized in a classified order. Each special object has its own functionality. For information hiding these special properties are appropriate so actual context remains the same. Our proposed scheme uses these special objects to hide information which preserve information and revamp the word document layout. This proposition leads to information integrity and negate the information alteration. Our results show that proposed watermarking scheme is excellent on imperceptibility and robustness for applying different kinds of attacks.
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