Surface topography of 1€ coin measured by stereo-PIXE

Abstract We demonstrate the stereo-PIXE method by measurement of surface topography of the relief details on 1€ coin. Two X-ray elemental maps were simultaneously recorded by two X-ray detectors positioned at the left and the right side of the proton microbeam. The asymmetry of the yields in the pixels of the two X-ray maps occurs due to different photon attenuation on the exit travel path of the characteristic X-rays from the point of emission through the sample into the X-ray detectors. In order to calibrate the inclination angle with respect to the X-ray asymmetry, a flat inclined surface model was at first applied for the sample in which the matrix composition and the depth elemental concentration profile is known. After that, the yield asymmetry in each image pixel was transferred into corresponding local inclination angle using calculated dependence of the asymmetry on the surface inclination. Finally, the quantitative topography profile was revealed by integrating the local inclination angle over the lateral displacement of the probing beam.
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