Sequestering Carbon through Utilisation of Waste Oil Palm Trees in Malaysia

Calculated carbon dioxide emission from WPT, using equations derived from the UNFCC report, found that the average amount of CO2 emitted from the decomposition of WPT annually for 2011-2032 is equivalent to 14.19 million tonnes. The amounts of CO2 that can be sequestered from the manufacture of the potential products were also calculated. Assuming 50% of the annual availability of WPT in Malaysia from year 2011-2032 is converted into products such as plywood/flooring, bio-ethanol from OPT sap, timber, animal feed and micro-crystalline cellulose, GHG emissions would be reduced by 8.11%; 1.95%; 21.35% and 20.50% respectively. The conversion of WPT into biofuel such as fuel pellets and bio-ethanol could provide more impactful effect through indirect and direct carbon offsets from the displacement of fossil fuel use. Up to 48.26 percent CO2 reduction may be achieved.
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