The clockwise rotation of myocardial fiber orientation from epicardial to endocardial surface in left ventricular free wall in a post-mortem human heart.

: Following fixation and MRI imaging a post-mortem human heart was sliced at the sagittal plane. Each anatomical section was then cut into smaller segments and each one was objected to classical histology process. The resulting microscopy slides were digitalized with a scanner. The histological section reconstruction was achieved using Adobe Photoshop CS2(R). Using specific software, called FiberCad, the user can define and draw (with the assistance of optical microscope) those fibers that are parallel and those fibers that are vertical to the slides plane. To better align the histological 3D reconstruction, the software is equipped with an option that allows the user to make best possible fit between histological and MRI slices. We present the consequent sagittal sections of LV free wall (from epicardial to endocardial surface), whereby the clockwise rotation of the mean orientation of the fibers that are on the plane of sectioning is clearly evident. We present a post mortem analysis of the complete LV free wall of a human heart.
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