Studies on gene action for growth and yield attributing traits in ridge gourd (Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb.)

Selection of suitable breeding methodologies in bringing desirable improvement in crop plant require the complete knowledge about the nature of gene action involved in the inheritance of quantitative and quality traits. Gene action of growth and yield attributing traits in ridge gourd (Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb.) Were studied through half diallel analysis of 45 F1 hybrids derived by crossing 10 parental lines (VRG-11, VRG-23, VRG-24, VRG-25, Swarna Manjari, Arka Prasan, VRG-13, VRG-14, VRG-15 and VRG-16). The ratio of gca to sca variances revealed that non-additive gene action was predominant over additive gene action in the inheritance of all the characters studied except for internodal length. Hence, heterosis breeding is required to be followed for exploitation of these traits.
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