Little heterosis found in Diploid Hybrid Potato

Hybrid potato breeding has become a novel alternative to conventional potato breeding allowing breeders to overcome intractable barriers (e.g. tetrasomic inheritance, masked deleterious alleles, obligate clonal propagation) with the benefit of seed-based propagule, flexible population design, and the potential of hybrid vigour. Until now, however, no formal inquiry has adequately examined the relevant genetic components for complex traits in hybrid potato populations. In this present study, we use a two-step modelling approach to estimate the relevant variance components to assess the magnitude of the general and specific combining abilities (GCA and SCA, respectively) in diploid hybrid potato (DHP). SCA effects were identified for all yield components studied here warranting evidence of non-additive genetic effects in hybrid potato yield. However, the estimated GCA effects were on average two times larger than their respective SCA quantile across all yield phenotypes. Tuber number GCAs and SCAs were found to be highly correlated with total yield9s genetic components. Tuber volume appearing under-selected in this population. The prominence of additive effects found for all traits presents evidence that breeders can perform hybrid potato evaluation using the mid-parent value alone. Heterotic vigour stands be useful in bolstering simpler traits but this will be very dependent on the target market of a population. This study represents the first diallel analysis of its kind in diploid potato using material derived from a commercial hybrid breeding programme.
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