Short Communication Psychrophilicity of Bacillus psychrosaccharolyticus: A proteomic study

Summary of the most abundant proteins for cold adaptation and cold-induced proteins in B. psychrosacchar-olyticus cellular proteinProtein Amount % a) Functional class Physiologicalstatus b) Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 8.45 Glycolysis A, IPhosphoglycerate kinase 3.78 Glycolysis AFructose-biophosphate aldolase 2.24 Glycolysis AEnolase 2.22 Glycolysis ATriose phosphate isomerase 0.87 Glycolysis ASSU ribosomal protein S30P 2.67 Translation A, I50S ribosomal protein L7/L12 2.60 Translation A50S ribosomal protein L10 1.18 Translation A30S ribosomal protein S6 0.88 Translation ATranscription elongation factor 0.63 Translation A, IGeneral stress protein 17M 3.77 Stress protein A, IGeneral stress protein 1.31 Stress protein AVegetative catalase 1 1.93 Detoxication A, IThioredoxin 1.21 Detoxication ACatalase 1.06 Detoxication A, IPeroxiredoxin 0.73 Detoxication A10 kDa chaperonin 1.37 Chaperones A, IElectron transfer flavoprotein alpha subunit 1.40 Energy production and conversion A, IATP synthase (subunit beta) 0.97 Energy production and conversion A, IPyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylase 2.83 Nucleosides and nucleotides metabolism A, IDeoxyribose-phosphate aldolase 1.48 Nucleosides and nucleotides metabolism A, IPyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component 1.17 Pyruvate metabolism ASuccinyl-CoA synthetase (alpha subunit) 0.83 TCA cycle A, IABC transporter-ATP-binding protein 0.88 Transport system component A, IABC transporter-associated protein 0.85 Transport system component ADNA binding protein HU 2.00 Transcriptional regulators AProtease I, putative intracellular protease/amidase2.03 Peptidases AUncharacterized ACR 2.13 Unknown AConserved hypothetical protein 0.64 Unknown Aa) Relative protein levels were quantified in percent of total protein content of a 2-DE covering pH range 4–7b) A and I represent the most abundant proteins in 157C cultural condition and cold-induced protein at temperaturedownshift, respectivelySigB-dependent general stress response in
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