The role of erythropoietin, megakaryocyte colony-stimulating factor, and T-cell-derived factors on human megakaryocyte colony formation: evidence for T-cell-mediated and T-cell-independent stem cell proliferation.

: Recent studies suggest that megakaryocytopoiesis is governed by a dual-level regulatory process, with megakaryocyte colony-stimulating factor (Meg-CSF) primarily influencing proliferation of the committed precursors and thrombopoietin required for megakaryocyte ploidy amplification and for maturation. The authors have examined different sources of Meg-CSF in a microagar culture system with a view to their capacity to enhance megakaryocyte colony formation directly or via an indirect T-lymphocyte- or monocyte-mediated effect. The comparative influences of phytohemagglutinin-stimulated leukocyte-conditioned medium (PHA-LCM), erythropoietin (Epo), sera of patients with severe aplastic anemia, and direct PHA addition to the culture were evaluated for their capacity to enhance megakaryocytic colony formation as well as for the maturation rate of megakaryocytes (Mk) grown in our microagar culture system. Each treatment by itself enhanced colony formation from unseparated low-density cells. Removal of T-lymphocytes and monocytes from the bone marrow sample caused a cessation of the enhancing effect of direct PHA addition to cultures stimulated with Epo, but did not influence the enhancing activities of severe aplastic anemia serum (SAA), PHA-LCM, and Epo. The results show that SAA serum, Epo, and PHA-LCM induced Mk colony formation directly and therefore may act via a common mechanism. Differences, however, were observed concerning their colony-stimulating potency and their influence on the Mk maturation rate.
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