Cooperative transition between two helical conformations in a linear system: Poly‐L‐proline I ⇌ II. I. Equilibrium studies

The solvent-induced conformational transition between the two helical forms of poly-L-proline is studied as a model for cooperative order ⇌ order transitions. The chain length dependent equilibrium data in two solvent systems are described by Schwarz's theory, which is based upon the most general formulation of the linear Ising model with nearest neighbor interactions. The parameter σ which describes the difficulty of nucleation of a I (II) residue in an uninterrupted II (I)-helix is 10−5 in both solvent systems. The ratios of the nucleation difficulties of states I and II at the ends of the chains β′ and β″ are very different in the two systems. Nucleation difficulty within the chain is interpreted as being due to unfavorable excess interaction energies at the I–II and II–I junctions, which add up to 7 kcal/mole of nuclei as calculated from the σ value. A similar value is computed from the atomic interactions at the junctions. In contrast to this intrinsic properly of poly-L-proline, the energies of I and II residues at the ends are heavily influenced by interactions of the endgroups with the solvent. The above values of the nucleation parameters are determined by a new least-square fitting procedure which does not necessitate the assumption of the dependence of the equilibrium constant s for propagation upon the external parameters, but yields this function from the experimental transition data. A quantitative explanation of this experimental s function through the binding of solvent is attempted. In the transition region a very small free energy change (about 0.1 kcal/mole), arising from a preferential binding of solvent molecules to one of the conformational states, is sufficient for a complete conversion from one helical form to the other.
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