On some Late Effects of Bilateral Oophorectomy in the Age Range 15–30 Years

Between 1910 and 1940, 146 young females, aged 15–30 years, underwent bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy as part of a radical operation for salpingo-oophoritis. These women or their records were reviewed in 1971. 42 women had died in the meantime. More than half (22) of them had died from cardiovascular diseases, 5 from carcinoma of the uterus and 4 had committed suicide. None had died from carcinoma of the breast. Of 68 who were still alive, information by questionnaire was obtained and 32 were admitted to hospital for extensive examination. 32 age-matched women to be operated on for prolapse but with no other known disease of the reproductive tract served as controls. A further control group was added as 11 of the 68 were found to have menstruated again after the operation which had evidently not completely removed the gonads. Complete oophorectomy was found to have been followed by: (a) an increased incidence of cardiac symptoms and nervous diseases as well as an increased use of drugs; (b) a significant ...
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