Distinguishing Oxygen Vacancy Electromigration and Conductive Filament Formation in TiO2 Resistance Switching Using Liquid Electrolyte Contacts

Resistance switching in TiO2 and many other transition metal oxide resistive random access memory materials is believed to involve the assembly and breaking of interacting oxygen vacancy filaments via the combined effects of field-driven ion migration and local electronic conduction leading to Joule heating. These complex processes are very difficult to study directly in part because the filaments form between metallic electrode layers that block their observation by most characterization techniques. By replacing the top electrode layer in a metal–insulator–metal memory structure with easily removable liquid electrolytes, either an ionic liquid (IL) with high resistance contact or a conductive aqueous electrolyte, we probe field-driven oxygen vacancy redistribution in TiO2 thin films under conditions that either suppress or promote Joule heating. Oxygen isotope exchange experiments indicate that exchange of oxygen ions between TiO2 and the IL is facile at room temperature. Oxygen loss significantly increa...
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