Palaeopedological marker horizons in northern central Europe: characteristics of Lateglacial Usselo and Finow soils

Lateglacial buried soil horizons, which occur widely in sandy aeolian sequences of northern central Europe, were analysed in order to evaluate their regional pedostratigraphical and palaeoenvironmental potential. Data on stratigraphy, sedimentology, pedology, geochronology and palaeobotany from 29 palaeosol-bearing profiles at terrestrial sites are presented. Greyish Ahb and Eb horizons occur, as well as brownish Bwb and BwAhb horizons. They are 5–30 cm thick, showing similar pedological properties except colour, and they frequently bear charcoal typically from pine. Soil classification results in Albic Arenosols (Dystric) and Brunic Arenosols (Dystric) representing palaeosols of the Usselo and Finow types, respectively. Radiocarbon dating of the palaeosols reveals a dominance of Allerod ages followed by Younger Dryas and Preboreal ages. Most luminescence ages on overlying aeolian sands date into the Allerod–Younger Dryas interval. Mapping of all Usselo and Finow soil occurrences (n=96) in northern central Europe known so far reveals a nearly closed Finow soil province between Usselo soil areas in NW Germany and central Poland, mainly situated in NE Germany. Most Usselo soils compiled contain charcoal, indicating widespread and repeated fires. Recent claims that the Usselo soil represents an event layer from rapid aeolian sedimentation caused by an extraterrestrial impact is rejected. Instead, both Usselo and Finow soils can be assumed to be pedostratigraphical marker horizons in northern central Europe and beyond.
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