On the Improvement of COAMPS Weather Forecasts Using an Advanced Radiative Transfer Model

Abstract Fu–Liou’s delta-four-stream (with a two-stream option) radiative transfer model has been implemented in the U.S. Navy’s Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS)1 to calculate solar and thermal infrared fluxes in 6 shortwave and 12 longwave bands. The model performance is evaluated at high resolution for clear-sky and overcast conditions against the observations from the Southern Great Plains of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program. In both cases, use of the Fu–Liou model provides significant improvement over the operational implementation of the standard Harshvardhan radiation parameterization in both shortwave and longwave fluxes. A sensitivity study of radiative flux on clouds reveals that the choices of cloud effective radius schemes for ice and liquid water are critical to the flux calculation due to the effects on cloud optical properties. The sensitivity study guides the selection of optimal cloud optical properties for use in the Fu–Liou parameterization as im...
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