Research data supporting "Whose ideas are most fixating, your own or other people’s? The effect of idea agency on subsequent design behaviour".

This excel file contains: i) the numerical data resulting from the scoring of the videos recorded during each experimental session, ii) the participants’ comments collected through the ‘think aloud’ method, and iii) the participants’ responses to the post-experimental questions. The videos and the audio-recordings are not available for ethical reasons. The file includes several spreadsheets, whose naming corresponds to the various set of results reported in the publication (Whose ideas are most fixating, your own or other people’s? Sunk cost effects and psychological ownership in design ideation). In each spreadsheet, the column headings are self-explanatory, provided you also have the corresponding publication given above as a reference. The data was collected from January to May 2017 from 40 engineering students at the University of Cambridge, UK. Participants were tested individually and received £10 for your participation. They were initially told that the study aimed at investigating how people played computer games. The real aim of the study was revealed to the participants at the end of each experimental session, during the debriefing phase. Demographic data was collected from the participants and are reported in the first spreadsheet of the file. The study was approved by the local Ethical Committee and the participants signed a Consent Form before starting with the experiment.
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