Wirkungen üblicher Narkoseverfahren auf Erregungsbildung, Erregungsleitung und Refraktärparameter des Herzens beim Schwein

Cardiac excitation, conduction, and refractory parameters of the heart were investigated in 36 pigs (German country breed) to obtain basic values under influence of the following 10 anaesthetic regimes using HIS bundle electrography and programmed stimulation: 1. azaperone/ metomidate/chloralose, 2. ditto + nitrous oxide, 3. azaperone/pentobarbital, 4. ditto + nitrous oxide, 5. ketamine/fentanyl/midazolam/pancuronium, 6. ditto + nitrous oxide, 7. ketamine/ pentobarbital, 8. ditto + nitrous oxide, 9. ketamine/propofol. 10. ditto + nitrous oxide. Only the effects in the groups 5 and 6 just as 9 and 10 could be compared to former results in dogs under equal anaesthetic conditions. It could be shown that in almost all observed parameters there were differences between both species. This should be considered in experiments with other substances or in cardiovascular results.
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