Fluid inclusion and stable isotope study of telluride mineralization at Mahd Adh Dhahab, Saudi Arabia

Mahd Adh Dhahab is unique among Precambrian gold deposits in that it displays many characteristics of epithermal precious metal districts. Au-Ag-Cu-Zn-Pb mineralization occurs principally in the third of five generations of quartz veins. Sulfur isotopic equilibrium was generally maintained among sulfides which range in delta/sup 34/S from -1.8 (galena) to 6.4 (pyrite). The narrow range in delta/sup 34/S of sulfides is inconsistent with large variations in f02 calculated from chlorite +/- pyrite +/- hematite assemblages. Galena-sphalerite pairs yield temperatures in the range 160-270/sup 0/C for stage 3 veins, which fall within the 120-300/sup 0/C range defined by fluid inclusion thermometry. Fluid salinities are in the range 0.5 wt.% NaCl equivalent. The trends indicate mixing of delta/sup 18/O approx. = 0 waters with heavier more oxidized waters during stage 4 deposition which led to non-equilibrium oxidation of H/sub 2/S. deltaD values of vein chlorites fall within a narrow range of -65 to -75, while deltaD measurements of inclusion fluids in quartz display a wider spread from -13 to -43; the lighter values may reflect contamination by secondary inclusions. The stable isotope data indicate probable derivation of both sulfur and carbon from igneous sources. District-wide variation in sulfur and oxygen isotopes indicatemore » the presence of several hydrothermal centers, which has possible significance to exploration.« less
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