Splenomegaly, Apparent Left Atrial Enlargement, and Normal Right Heart Catheterization

From the Departments of Medicine and Radiolo The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine a 3 Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland. *Fellow, Canadian Heart Foundation. O°Fellow, Heart Association of Maryland. +Associate Professor of Radiology. ffAssociate Professor of Medicine. Supported in y r t by Training Grant #HE 05735 from The Nationa Heart Institute. sure was 120180 and the pulse irregular at 100Imin. The s the second sound was normal. A grade 216 short ejection systolic murmur was heard at the left lower sternal border. The spleen extended 7 cm. below the left costal margin. The remainder of the examination was unremarkable. The electrocardiogram revealed a sinus tachycardia with associated ST-T wave changes and occasional premature atrial contractions. Right heart catheterization revealed normal pressures in the right atrium. right ventricle, pulmonary artery and capillary wedge positions.
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