Mantle Origin of Oceanic Carbonatites

de Ignacio, Cristina, . "Isotope geochemistry and FOZO mantle component of the alkalinecarbonatitic association of Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain.." Chemical Geology. 232 (2006): 99-113. Print. The 143Nd/144Nd vs 87Sr/86Sr ratios show that the oceanic carbonatites in particular have a very restricted profile, suggesting that there is a close genetic relationship between the two. The rift carbonatites and kimberlites, on the other hand show much more varied isotopic compositions, the kimberlites generally being more enriched in 87Sr and the rift carbonatites being depleted in 143Nd. The oceanic data is in agreement with de Ignacio et al., placing this data near the HIMU component of the mantle. This points to a recycled oceanic origin. This depleted Sr component also shows a connection with the FOZO component of the mantle. Analytical Methods
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