Ginzburg–Landau expansion in strongly disordered attractive Anderson–Hubbard model

We have studied disordering effects on the coefficients of Ginzburg–Landau expansion in powers of superconducting order parameter in the attractive Anderson–Hubbard model within the generalized DMFT+Σ approximation. We consider the wide region of attractive potentials U from the weak coupling region, where superconductivity is described by BCS model, to the strong coupling region, where the superconducting transition is related with Bose–Einstein condensation (ВЕС) of compact Cooper pairs formed at temperatures essentially larger than the temperature of superconducting transition, and a wide range of disorder—from weak to strong, where the system is in the vicinity of Anderson transition. In the case of semielliptic bare density of states, disorder’s influence upon the coefficients A and В of the square and the fourth power of the order parameter is universal for any value of electron correlation and is related only to the general disorder widening of the bare band (generalized Anderson theorem). Such universality is absent for the gradient term expansion coefficient C. In the usual theory of “dirty” superconductors, the С coefficient drops with the growth of disorder. In the limit of strong disorder in BCS limit, the coefficient С is very sensitive to the effects of Anderson localization, which lead to its further drop with disorder growth up to the region of the Anderson insulator. In the region of BCS–ВЕС crossover and in ВЕС limit, the coefficient С and all related physical properties are weakly dependent on disorder. In particular, this leads to relatively weak disorder dependence of both penetration depth and coherence lengths, as well as of related slope of the upper critical magnetic field at superconducting transition, in the region of very strong coupling.
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