Functional Locus of Intensity Effects in Choice Reaction Time Tasks

Long reaction times (RT) paradoxically occur with extremely loud auditory stimuli (Van der Molen & Keuss, 1979, 1981) or with ultrabright and large visual stimuli (Jaśkowski & Wlodarczyk, 2006) when the task requires a response choice. Van der Molen and Keuss (1981) hypothesized that this effect results from an arousal-driven elongation of response-selection processes. We tested this hypothesis using visual stimuli and chronopsychophysiological markers. The results showed that the latency of both early (P1 recorded at Oz) and late (P300) evoked potentials decreased monotonically with intensity. In contrast, the latency of stimulus-locked lateralized readiness potentials (LRP) abruptly increased for the most intense stimuli, thus mirroring the reaction time–intensity relationship. Response-locked LRPs revealed no dependency on intensity. These findings suggest that the processes responsible for the van der Molen-Keuss effect influence processing stages that are completed before the onset of LRP. The van de...
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