Ayurvedic management of Koshtashrita Kamala (Hepatocellular Jaundice) - A Case report

Kamala is a type of Liver disorder mentioned in our classics. It is caused by vitiation of pitta with the signs and symptoms like Haridra netra (yellow eyes),  twak nakha (yellowish skin and nails) and Dourbalya (weakness), based on these clinical features, it can be well understood under the purview of Jaundice. The condition where yellowish discoloration of skin and sclera of the eyes due to high level of serum bilirubin is known as Jaundice.  The pitta present in the body aggravates due to specific diet and life style, attains sthana samshraya in koshta due to kha vaigunya, further causes dagdhatwa of Rakta and Mamsa this condition is known as Koshtashirita Kamala. A case presented with  Peeta Netrata, Peeta Varnyata Mutra, Aruchi, Agnimandhya etc was diagnosed as Koshtashrita Kamala it was intervened successfully with  Shodhana and Shamana oushadi with proper pathya  for a period of 11 days. The effect of treatment was assessed based on improvement in clinical signs and symptoms along with Liver Function Test. There was significant improvement in the condition by 60% thus Kamala can be well managed by Ayurvedic intervention.
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