A proposal for regional stages for the Cambrian-Ordovician in Korea

Six chronostratigraphic stages for the Middle Cambrian to Early Ordovician in Korea are formally proposed, based on trilobite faunal successions in the Yongwol area. These are from oldest to youngest: the Odungolian, Tokuan, Pundokchian, Konggirian, Karamian, and Maepoan stages. The former four stages belong to the Cambrian, whereas the latter two are Ordovician in age. The Odun- golian Stage is not precisely defined, but can be correlated with middle Middle Cambrian stages else- where. The Tokuan Stage is comparable to the upper Wangcunian to Youshuian of China, the Boome- rangian to Mindyallan of Australia, and part of the Marjuman of Laurentia. The Pundokchian Stage can be equated with the Waergangian of China, the Idamean of Australia, the Sakian of Kazakhstan, and the Steptoean of North America. The Konggirian Stage is more or less contemporaneous with the Taoyu- anian of South China, the Iverian to Datsonian of Australia, and the Sunwaptan of Laurentia. The Kara- mian Stage can be correlated with the Tremadocian or equivalent stages. The Maepoan Stage is compar- able to the lower part of the 'Yushanian' Stage of China and the Bendigonian 1 Stage of Australia.
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