Fermi liquid instabilities and superconductivity near quantum critical points in f-electron materials

Recent experiments on single crystals of the compounds CeRh1−xCoxIn5 and PrOs4Sb12 are briefly reviewed. The temperature-composition (T-x) phase diagram of the heavy fermion pseudoternary system CeRh1−xCoxIn5, delineating the regions in which superconductivity, antiferromagnetism, and the coexistence of these two phenomena occur, has been established. Entropy vs x isotherms and residual resistivity vs x plots exhibit peaks near the critical concentration xcr ≈ 0.8 at which the Neel temperature appears to vanish (quantum critical point). The filled skutterudite compound PrOs4Sb12 exhibits unconventional superconductivity below Tc = 1.85 K that involves heavy fermion quasiparticles with an effective mass m* ≈ 50 me, where me is the mass of the free electron. The unconventional superconducting state appears to consist of several distinct superconducting phases and to break time reversal symmetry. A high field ordered phase occurs below ∼ 1 K and between ∼ 4.5 T and ∼ 15 T that appears to be associated with quadrupolar order. The heavy fermion state and superconductivity in PrOs4Sb12 may originate from the interaction between Pr3+ electric quadrupole moments and the charges of the conduction electrons. When Ru is substituted for Os in PrOs4Sb12, a minimum in Tc occurs at Pr(Os0.4Ru0.6)4Sb12, suggesting a competition between two types of superconductivity.
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