Nanoelectronics in Radio-Frequency Technology

In this article we have attempted to give an overview of the impact of nanoelectronics on RF technology. Today the development of nanoelectronics is highly market driven since the push for progress requires tremendous investments. The continuous technological progress in CMOS technology, following Moore's law and the extensions more and more than certainly offers large room for progress, however, saturation already appears on the horizon. Long-term research and development in direction of novel materials, novel technologies, and novel device concepts is of great importance to maintain the competitiveness of electronics industry. Novel devices based on novel materials and novel technologies will be required to go beyond Moore. Even circuit and system paradigms will change. The next 20 years of development of nanoelectronics will be extremely challenging and will be decisive for the fate of the global players in the field. Although the reflow of investment can be expected only over a long period of time a strong engagement in research and development will be mandatory.
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