Evaluación de la Calidad del Agua en Algunos Puntos Afluentes del río Cesar (Colombia) utilizando Macroinvertebrados Acuáticos como Bioindicadores de Contaminación

Water quality in tributaries points of the river Cesar such as the Calenturitas river, Maracas river and Tucuy river and using aquatic macroinvertebrates as bioindicators and applying the biotic index BMWP/Col (Biological Monitoring Working Party score) adapted to Colombia by Roldan has been assessed. Five sampling stations were established, conducting two period of sampling (dry and rainy period). Water samples were collected for physico-chemical analysis and identification of macroinvertebrates that were counted and identified by stereomicroscope and taxonomic keys. A total of 1025 organisms (589 during the dry period and 436 organisms during the rainy) and belong to 2 phylum, 3 classes, 9 orders, 24 families and 37 genera, were identified. The average value of the BMWP/Col index defines the water of E1 station as slightly polluted but of acceptable quality, E2-E3-E4 and E5 as moderately polluted and classified as of doubtful quality. Of these, water of station E5 presented the lowest score of all stations and the highest physicochemical and microbiological variables.
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