Workaround to Build Robust Facies Model with Limited Input Data - A Case Study from North West Kuwait

Five wells were drilled in North West onshore Kuwait, targeting the Jurassic Najmah/Sargelu formations. Three major depositional-units are interpreted within these formations viz; basal limestone, overlain by Kerogen and clean limestone with argillaceous intercalations towards the top and base. The objective of this study is to build a 3D facies model that can describe facies architecture across the field. Five litho-facies were described from core study in two wells. These litho-facies have been propagated to non-cored intervals in other wells utilizing a supervised Neural Network technique. The facies trend maps have been developed using various inputs such as paleo shoreface trends, sequence stratigraphic zones and facies fraction. The facies maps were constructed from facies fractions using trend maps. Subsequently variogram maps were built from normalized facies maps. These parameters are in close proximity when compared to regional facies trends. Variogram parameters were used to build the facies model. To validate this workflow a blind well test was run on one well and 65% success has been achieved at the well location and 82% over the whole model. These success rates are considered to be significant considering geographically wide study area and limited number of wells.
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