Refined methods for propagating vesicular stomatitis virus vectors that are defective for G protein expression.

Abstract Propagation-defective vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) vectors that encode a truncated G protein (VSV-Gstem) or lack the G gene entirely (VSV-ΔG) are attractive vaccine vectors because they are immunogenic, cannot replicate and spread after vaccination, and do not express many of the epitopes that elicit neutralizing anti-VSV immunity. To consider advancing non-propagating VSV vectors towards clinical assessment, scalable technology that is compliant with human vaccine manufacturing must be developed to produce clinical trial material. Accordingly, two propagation methods were developed for VSV-Gstem and VSV-ΔG vectors encoding HIV gag that have the potential to support large-scale production. One method is based on transient expression of G protein after electroporating plasmid DNA into Vero cells and the second is based on a stable Vero cell line that contains a G gene controlled by a heat shock-inducible transcription unit. Both methods reproducibly supported production of 1 × 10 7 to 1 × 10 8 infectious units (I.U.s) of vaccine vector per milliliter. Results from these studies also showed that optimization of the G gene is necessary for abundant G protein expression from electroporated plasmid DNA or from DNA integrated in the genome of a stable cell line, and that the titers of VSV-Gstem vectors generally exceeded VSV-ΔG.
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