Risk factors to develop multicentric lesions of the lower genital tract.

: Purpose ofinvestigation: To analyze which are the risk factors in developing multicentric lesions of lower genital tract. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective study of 1,011 patients was conducted at the low genital tract pathology clinic of Sant Joan de Deu Hospital between 2003-2011. A complete assessment of cervix, vagina, and vulva was carried out including HPV-DNA testing, cytology study, colposcopy, and biopsy in case of atypical findings. The statistical analysis was done with SPSS v.19 software. Differences between groups were considered statistically significant atp 35 years, multiparity, contraceptive method, immunodeficiency, and level of studies were significantly correlated with multicentric lesions. High percentage of affected margins were found. VIN cases were treated with surgical excision and in two cases microinvasion was found. VAIN III cases were treated with surgical excision or with laser and one case progressed to vaginal cancer. Recurrence after treatment was 27%. CONCLUSION: Age, multiparity, contraceptive method, immunodeficiency, and level of studies were significantly correlated with multicentric lesion. Multicentric lesions had an increased risk of recurrence and progression to cancer.
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