Nasalance scores of Brazilian Portuguese speakers at 5 years of age

Purpose: To determine nasalance scores of Brazilian Portuguese speaking children without evident speech disorders, language delay and orofacial deformities, at age 5 years, and analyze differences between types of speech samples and genders. Methods: Twenty children were analyzed, 11 males, age ranging from 4 years and 10 months to 5 years and 11 months. The Nasometer II 6450 (KayPENTAX) was used for nasalance assessment. Speech samples were eight consonant-vowel syllables and one sequence of nine words. The significance of differences between speech samples and genders were assessed by the Tukey test and Mann-Whitney test, respectively, at a significance level of 5%. Results: Mean nasalance scores were: /pa/= 10±4%, /pi/= 22±7%, /sa/= 11±5%, /si/= 24±11%, /ma/= 57±11%, /mi/= 73±13%, /la/= 14±9%, /li/= 25±11%, words (pipa, bis, burro, tatu, pilha, cuca, gui, fila, luz)= 20±6%. Nasalance scores of nasal syllables were significantly higher than those of oral syllables (with high or neutral vowels) and nasalance scores of oral syllables with high vowels were significantly higher than those of oral syllables with neutral vowels, for the majority of comparisons. There was no difference between genders. Conclusion: Normative nasalance scores for 5-year-old Brazilian children were determined. The methodology can serve as a standard for the early diagnosis of nasality deviations, such as hypernasality observed in cleft palate speech.
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