Lunar Lander precision positioning to an improved method and system parameters libration

Lunar Lander precision positioning to an improved method and system libration parameters, initial data input to the approximate coordinates of the landing is a landing position of initial coordinate; calculated for each baseline VLBI The initial landing position coordinates of the observed delay the amount of theoretical observations, calculate delay observables partial derivative of the landing position and the moon libration parameters partial derivatives and the formation of the coefficient matrix for the landing position and the moon libration parameters combined to build the model, the minimum two for the model parameter vector take calculated, and the results are to determine whether the convergence conditions, if the output result, if the convergence condition is re-iterated until otherwise. The present invention is based on the observation model build on the VLBI observation data, and the first time establish a connection parameters while estimating the reference system (selenophysical libration) positioning and landing new model parameters, significantly increase the positioning accuracy of the lunar lander.
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