A database on the effect of magnetic fields on stem cells differentiation

The purpose of this work is to design a database software for storing the data taken from reviewed journals which is related to the effect of magnetic field (MF) on stem cells differentiation. The database facilitates in storing the data extracted from the journals. This without a doubt will help to minimize the time spent for collecting and organizing the data for future research reference. The software consists of two parts which are the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and database. The interface was designed using Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 software and the database was created using Microsoft SQL Express 2008 R2. The range of MF density that is already recorded in the database software is between 10μT to 16T. Every value of MF density recorded in the database software is also presented together with the influence of that MF density on stem cells differentiation. Besides, the source of stem cells used in the experiment and the differentiation results of those stem cells after exposed to MF are also noted in the database software. The result and analysis sections will enable the user to key in the important data regarding the experiment accomplished in the journals. As most of the researchers nowadays are working with the aid of computer, using the software database as an archive to store and organize the data from journals is expected to be very useful and convenient.
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