An In-Depth Technical Study Of New Radiological Facilities

AbstractThe methodology and results of an in -depth technical examination of new radiologicalequipment are discussed in this paper. High voltage kVp and MAS measurements and wave-forms have been obtained. The resolving capabilities of x -ray tube's and image intensi-fier systems have been measured using star and line pair resolution patterns, and focalspot images made using a pinhole camera. Tomographic performance in a variety of in-stallations has been evaluated using a Littleton phantom and a pinhole plate. The com-plete radiographic, fluoroscopic, and mechanical operations and radiation safety com-pliance of x -ray rooms in all radiological specialties has been examined.The detailed procedures and methods of data recording involved in this study are dis- cussed. Equipment problems encountered include the lack of accurate generator calibra-tion, unacceptable fluoroscopic and spot film image quality, faulty tomographic motionand exposure termination.IntroductionIt is common experience that new radiological facilities exhibit a multiplicity of prob-lems over the first year of operation. It is also commonly accepted that these problemsmust arise, and can only be detected in the subsequent operation of the x -ray room onceit has been put into clinical use. Hence, we begin working in rooms with inferior T.V.images, cables interferring with movements of personnel, jamming spot film cameras, etc.Let us make a radical presumption and assume that a diagnostic room could in fact be turnedover to us in working order, and that the reason we find many of the problems we see is dueto faulty, careless and negligent installation. Further, that there are problems inherentin the initial installation which may not be cleared up during the warrantee period, andconsequently the hospital will ultimately have to shoulder the cost of repair and downtime.In this sense, an x -ray room is like a car -if you don't get the bugs out of it to beginwith, these problems will be around for the lifetime of the equipment.Our assumptions arose from our experience with many new x -ray rooms over the course ofseveral years. The proof of our contentions came when we had the opportunity to open anew and well- equipped diagnostic facility with more than thirty x -ray rooms and 11 mobiles,including three mobile image intensifier systems. I would like to discuss this survey withyou in detail.MeasurementsRecords on every room are kept in individual binders. First in this binder is the in-
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