Experience in prompt earthquake prediction in the region of the Sulak cascade of hydroelectric stations

1. The problem of prompt prediction of earthquakes can be solved by means of the measuring systems of high dams, provided a retrospective analysis of the response of these systems to seismic events that occurred and automation of the measuring equipment. 2. After identifying the precursors and drawing up a forecast of the expected event in time, constant communication with the nearest seismic stations is needed for refining the forecast in a real-time mode. 3. The standards of the USSR Ministry of Power and Electrification based on on-site observations for the stress-strain state of dams in seismic regions presently in effect should be changed with consideration of the need to monitor geodynamic processes and predict earthquakes in the regions of the dams. 4. Before organizing geodynamic test areas at hydrodevelopments it is urgently necessary, on the basis of existing monitoring and measuring equipment and on-site observation services, to develop methods of practical prompt prediction of dangerous geodynamic processes on the basis of the proposed method [5,6] and to establish a close tie with the Dubki seismic station and OMP DNTs. 5. In the shortest possible time with the help of scientists of the OIFZ it is necessary to work out scenarios of potential hazardous situations during tremors of various intensities and creep and landslide movements and measures to prevent possible damages and to perfect the prompt action of duty personnel under conditions of a seismic warning.
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