Time-lapse Seismic Modeling on the Giant Johan Sverdrup Oil Field - A Feasibility Study

Johan Sverdrup is one of the largest oil fields discovered on the Norwegian continental shelf and will be one of the most prominent projects in Norway. As a seismic monitoring strategy, large parts of the Johan Sverdrup field will be monitored with a permanent reservoir monitoring (PRM) system. This feasibility study, investigates the rock physics challenges, calibration and further tests the conceptual understanding of reservoir models. Fundamental time-lapse aspects of interest have been investigated such as the possibility of detecting 4D effects in the thin intra-Draupne Fm sandstones, robustness of the time-lapse signal, drainage detection, how early in the production cycle can 4D effects be observed and finally if 4D data can be used quantitatively to reduce uncertainty in reservoir evaluation.
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